Thursday, March 24, 2011

T- 1 Day til Spring Break

Today we focused on lighting and rendering.  We created an orange and gave it different textures to see what each one did.  Then we moved on to an office where we altered and added a light that reacted with the table and walls around it.

DONE Orange and Directional Spot Light

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

T-3 Days til Spring Break

Today I, worked on the 3 Point Lighting.  Much like what was done last class, but the object being lighted had much more detail this time around.  There were bumps and hills that created a much more dynamic environment.

3 Point Lighting

Key, fill
Key, Fill, Back

Friday, March 18, 2011


How to use lights were introduced today.  How to create them and edit them.  We also learned about how to set them up like a Hollywood Studio to simulate realism in a 3D World or studio.  That is by using 3 lights spaced apart around the object.

DONE 3 lights

1 light

2 lights

3 lights

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We worked on finishing the Arm Control Animation.  It took the entire class and threw out tons of new topics that will take a few more reviews to understand what is going on. 

DONE Arm Control Animation

Monday, March 14, 2011

3.14 Pi Day!!

Today was all about the crane animation.  We did start by taking a pre-test that is also our final.  The arm animation is introducing new elements left and right.  There are so many things in Maya that I learned today that will be fun to use in future projects.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Today, I worked on finishing the spaceship animation.  It was quite confusing when I blended the two animations together and when there became a separate animation.

DONE Space ship Animation

Screen shot of the spaceship frozen after rising from the ground and just beginning flight.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today was a continuation of last class.  I worked on finishing a spaceship that has to go around objects and move. My spaceship resembles a blimp more, but it moves around my planet and the moon that i added as well.

SpaceShip Animation

This is the spaceship animation, along with a moon that goes around the planet.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Animation was introduced today.  How to move things along a timeline and how to have objects move relative to another object.  I finished the door opening when the ball came near it, and the animation of a soccer ball bouncing over a net.  Next I have to create an object to move along a predetermine path.

DONE Door Open

Here is the opening door animation with the door selected to show the graph on the bottom of its movement.

DONE Ball Bounce

This is the ball bounce graph, with the ball suspended in mid-air.